Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Simon stock catholic school Essay Example for Free
Simon stock catholic school Essay My instructor Miss McCay has requested that I make an introduction on the grounds that before she utilized a flip outline and now she has a PC she might want to utilize a PC supported structure. Elective Solutions 1. manual 2. PC introduction programming. Points of interest and inconveniences 1. The upsides of a manual arrangement are that it is much less expensive and you needn't bother with any equipment or programming to utilize it. As it needn't bother with a PC to run on it doesn't utilize any power. The inconveniences are that when you have get done with it you can't dispose of it. On the off chance that you come up short on room, at that point you need to purchase another manual arrangement or begin to utilize a PC helped arrangement 2. The upsides of a PC supported framework are that there is a great deal of circle space to store composing power focuses or pictures. The hindrances are that it is progressively costly to run and you need to take more time to make. Goals My targets are that I will utilize PC introduction programming and in it there will be: 1. a shrewd basic textual style 2. splendid hues 3. a wide range of hues 4. short words 5. liveliness between slides 6. sounds between slides' Analysis Software and equipment. For this issue, I will utilize PC introduction programming. The most appropriate programming that I can utilize is Microsoft PowerPoint. I will utilize PowerPoint, in light of the fact that it is intended for making a force point and that is the thing that I have to make. With this product I will have the option to make activity catches, permitting the understudies to take a gander at the introduction rapidly, similar to an intelligent word booklet, likewise in power point I can utilize logos, pictures and images and so forth, a shortcoming of a PowerPoint is that as it is spared onto a PC I could be erased or not spared appropriately or the PC may crash and would lose all my work. To discover explore I will utilize distinctive programming, for example, the Internet. I will utilize the Internet to assemble valuable data on systems so it will help year seven and me and systems. I will at that point have the option to utilize a gander at my work utilizing a program called Spelling and language structure check so on the off chance that I spell a word wrong it will change the word to the right spelling for me. I can utilize a thesaurus which can place in and take out better words to make it increasingly definite to make all the more intriguing for year seven. I will utilize my memory stick to move data between my home and school, this is acceptable in light of the fact that it is easy to utilize and it is anything but difficult to spare and it will spare me a ton of time. I would likewise be utilizing an interactive media Projector. This bit of equipment is valuable since it will permit me to extend my introduction onto a shrewd board; the understudies will have a very huge and away from of the introduction I have made for them. At the point when I have made my introduction, my client, Miss McKay will have the option to demonstrate my introduction to year seven utilizing this bit of equipment. Another bit of equipment I will utilize is a printer. A printer will be valuable to print out photos of the screen, which will help year seven to get systems. I would keep one print out for the last duplicate of my introduction, so I will have a printed copy of the response to the current issue. Contributions For this piece of the coursework I will put helpful data, for example, content to clarify what's going on in the zone around the content that I have composed. Alongside the content I will place in designs/pictures of pertinent pictures to go with the content, so it will be simple for my intended interest group (year seven). Thoroughly considered the introduction I will utilize a similar text style so my intended interest group will get use to a similar textual style. Likewise in the introduction I will utilize a similar text dimension. All the composing I do I will utilize a console as the contribution for the txt in my introduction. Another info I will utilize is the Internet, which I can use for social event data and picture to make my PowerPoint all the more intriguing for year seven. So great sites that I can utilize are www. bbc. co. uk/bitesize The screen capture on the page before is of the GCSE scaled down modification site, from the BBC. It shows where I will get the vast majority of my data from, to place into my systems introduction. This site gives me point by point data and all around drawn graphs. This site gives me nitty gritty data and all around drawn charts. This site is the place I will get a large portion of my data. In any case, I should move it into Word, and afterward redraft the composition so it will be simple for year seven clients so they can comprehend the data that I have given them. This site is the place I will get all my data. Be that as it may, I should import the photos or screen captures into word, my year seven clients can without much of a stretch comprehend the data they are being given. Illustrations/pictures and either reorder them into my introduction, or import them. Since the Internet is so huge, I will have the option to locate the correct designs for any of my pages. I will likewise discover helpful designs/pictures from cut craftsmanship: I will utilize additionally data that I have assembles from pervious years where I have been learning data that I have to utilize now. The illustrations/pictures will be imported from a scope of sources. The main source that I will utilize is the Internet.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
How J.K. Rowling Puts a Spell on Her Readers (and How You Can, Too)
How J.K. Rowling Puts a Spell on Her Readers (and How You Can, Too) In 1994, J.K. Rowling, the imaginative author behind the Harry Potter franchise, was living on public assistance in Edinburgh, Scotland. As a single mother and estranged from her abusive husband, she was jobless and clinically depressed, but used the time while her daughter was napping to write Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in coffeehouses. It was an idea that occurred to her on a train ride four years earlier, and one she couldnt shake.Fast-forward ten years later, when in 2004, Forbes estimated Rowlings worth to be at $1 billion, making her the first billion-dollar author. Since the first book was published, the Harry Potter fantasy books have won multiple awards, and sold more than 500 million copies, earning a spot in the Guinness World Records as the best-selling book series for children in history. If there was ever an author success story, Rowling has it. And for anyone looking for the same success in their own writing, here are some of her secrets to putting a spell on her readers.Dont follow the rulesA quick Google search reveals that there are just as many rules about writing and publishing as there are websites offering advice on both (and thats a lot!). Make an outline or dont, know your ending before beginning chapter one or just start putting words on the page; its advice that can be as inconsistent as it is abundant. However, according to Rowling, rules can get in the way of your best work. She writes:I have to say that I cant stand lists of must dos, whether in life or in writing. Something rebels in me when Im told what I have to do before Im fifty, or have to buy this season, or have to write if I want to be a success.I havent got ten rules that guarantee success, although I promise Id share them if I did. The truth is that I found success by stumbling off alone in a direction most people thought was a dead end, breaking all the 1990s shibboleths about childrens books in the process. Male protagonists are unfashionable. Boarding scho ols are anathema. No kids book should be longer than 45,000 words.J.K. Rowling, On WritingRead voraciouslyWhile Rowling admits that breaking rules can often work out better than following them, she does list some you probably wont get far withouts that can make or break your success as a writer. At the top of that list is being a devoted reader.This is especially for younger writers. You cant be a good writer without being a devoted reader. Reading is the best way of analysing what makes a good book. Notice what works and what doesnt, what you enjoyed and why. At first youll probably imitate your favourite writers, but thats a good way to learn. After a while, youll find your own distinctive voice.J.K. Rowling, On WritingDevelop disciplineAccording to Rowling, Moments of pure inspiration are glorious, but most of a writers life is, to adapt the old cliché, about perspiration rather than inspiration. Sometimes you have to write even when the muse isnt cooperating.The kind of discipl ine shes referring to means setting daily word count goals and sticking to them, even on days when you dont feel particularly inspired. And Rowling isnt the only one. Hemingway was said to have written between 500 and 1,000 words a day, and Stephen King sets 2,000 words a day as his goal. Simply putâ"if you wait for inspiration to strike before you write, youll likely never get a novel written.Writing a best-seller requires discipline and a daily word count goal. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.Have resilience and humilityIf there is anyone who understands the pay-off of resilience, its a writer worth billions who began her best work while living below the poverty line. But along with resilience, she notes that humility is just as important, and the two often go hand-in-hand.â¦Rejection and criticism are part of a writers life. Informed feedback is useful and necessary, but some of the greatest writers were rejected multiple times. Being able to pick yourself up and keep going is inval uable if youre to survive your work being publicly assessed. The harshest critic is often inside your own head. These days, I can usually calm that particular critic down by feeding her a biscuit and giving her a break, although in the early days I sometimes had to take a week off before shed take a more kindly view of the work in progress. Part of the reason there were seven years between having the idea for Philosophers Stone and getting it published, was that I kept putting the manuscript away for months at a time, convinced it was rubbish.J.K. Rowling, On WritingHave courageIn the middle of receiving criticism and rejection from all sides, it takes a lot of courage for a writer to continue the extensive work that is required to create a manuscriptâ"something out of nothing and without the promise of publication and payout. For many, the fear of failure can be overwhelming enough to put down the pen (or close the laptop) and stop writing for good.Thats why courage is so importan t for any writers journey. Rowling puts it like this:Fear of failure is the saddest reason on earth not to do what you were meant to do. I finally found the courage to start submitting my first book to agents and publishers at a time when I felt a conspicuous failure. Only then did I decide that I was going to try this one thing that I always suspected I could do, and, if it didnt work out, well, Id faced worse and survived. Ultimately, wouldnt you rather be the person who actually finished the project youre dreaming about, rather than the one who talks about always having wanted to?J.K. Rowling, On WritingThink independentlyAs with being willing to break the rules, thinking for yourself will set you on the right course to writing bestselling novels that readers cant get enough of. Unless youre attempting to write a formulaic story that wont stand out from the pack, allowing others to think for you in the process is a mistake. Rowling suggests to resist the pressure to think you hav e to follow all the Top Ten Tips religiously, which these days take the form not just of online lists, but of entire books promising to tell you how to write a bestseller/what you MUST do to be published/how to make a million dollars from writing.She also suggests a website called Writer Beware, noting that its a great resource for new and aspiring authors to learn what services are worth paying for and what should be avoided at all costs.Ultimately, in writing as in life, your job is to do the best you can, improving your own inherent limitations where possible, learning as much as you can and accepting that perfect works of art are only slightly less rare than perfect human beings. Ive often taken comfort from Robert Benchleys words: It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldnt give it up, because by that time I was too famous.J.K. Rowling, On WritingUse worldbuilding to immerse your readerJ.K. Rowlings fantastical world of wizards and witches is more than the characters within it. Its a unique, well-thought-out setting that translated into a distinctive, memorable setting for top-grossing movies and even a theme park called The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which is now open at Universal Studios Hollywood.Rowling created a world that was immersive enough to be made into a theme park. Photo by Troy Jarrell on Unsplash.Rowling achieved this through details spanning seemingly mundane topics, from what wizards and witches ate to the curiosity of moving photographs that graced their newspapers. In zooming in on these details, Rowling helped readers become immersed in a world that is vastly different than that of the muggles (or non-magical folks).Use gerunds in dialogue tags, varied sentence length, and simple verbsBeyond advice and toward stylistic choices, author J.H. Trumble looks at Rowlings style and tone to determine exactly how she manages to cast a spell on her readers and make them hungry for more. He notes that Row ling uses the following writing methods:Extensive use of semicolonsThe serial commaDialog tags that usually precede the name of the character speaking, but following if she wants to include an adverb (Hermione said brightly or he said feebly).Adverbs used sparinglyUnderstated humorUnderstated emotion, avoiding melodramaEllipsesDashes to show interrupted dialogParenthesisParticipial phrases employing the -ing form of verbs--used after a dialog tag to indicate what the character is doing. Examples: said Mrs. Weasley, beaming at him, said Mrs. Weasley, watching him anxiously, said Hermione, hurrying into the kitchen, He said feebly, pointing toward the window.Varied sentence lengthTension created mostly through observation and action, with introspection kept to a minimum. (She ignored this. He could not blame her.)Simple verb choicesStraightforward description with little to no commentary (almost cinematic and what youd expect a camera to pick up)Wingardium leviosaAs Rowlings own past shows, crafting a great story involves finding your own path as a storyteller and walking it with courage, determination, and discipline. Wingardium leviosa, one of the favored spells from Harry Potters world, causes levitationâ"and thats exactly what has to happen to put a spell on your readers. Focus on writing words and creating worlds that can rise from the page to become something other than mere words; make them come to life in the minds of your readers and your bestseller will be inevitable.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Compare and contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastranism Free Essay Example, 1000 words
As a result, it would not be a mistake to note that ultimately all three religions want their followers to form one unified group where every member of it helps others and refrains from bringing any destructive elements into social environment. Points of difference Despite the fact that the three religions in question have numerous aspects that they share, there are also many other points which show that they are quite different. To begin with, one might mention that Zoroastrianism has a definite founder, namely the prophet Zarathustra (Fisher, 2014). In other words, if it had not been for him, the religion would never come into being. On the other hand, Judaism was not founded by a single person. Of course, it is possible to mention several key figures, such as prophets or kings, but they did not start this religion, they merely played an important role in its development. One might suggest that Jesus was the founder of Christianity. In a narrow sense, it may be true to a certain extent; however, Christians claim a connection to Judaism and emphasize the succession. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and contrast Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastranism or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now That is why Jesus is the Son of God Who was sacrificed and showed people the new way, but He did not found a new completely new religion. The next point of difference is the connection to culture. As it can be easily understood from the very name, Judaism is the religion of the Jews. That is why conversion to it is a rather debatable subject. As a result, the major aspects of Judaism are closely connected to the Jewish culture and do not make sense outside it, like the significance of Exodus, for example. Similarly to that, Zoroastrianism was also extremely popular among the nations that inhabited the Ancient Persia. In spite of the fact that it did not make a particular emphasis on culture, the practices as well as experiences could be better understood by the people who come from that part of the world. Contrary to that, Christianity has always been a religion to denied significance of local customs and promoted universal love of God that can be s hared by the people regardless of their cultural background. Finally, if one analyzes some elements of practice, one will be able to see that the spiritual traditions in question feature a different state of development of spiritual worldview. Thus, Zoroastrianism puts emphasis on several fundamental physical agents, such as fire and water. There are many rituals that focus on contemplation or interaction with them. Judaism and Christianity often engage water into their rituals, acknowledging the connection of fire and God; however, they often operate with abstract concepts, making these religions systems more mystic.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cja 384 Controlling Organized Crime - 1370 Words
My paper will cover the topic of how to how control organized crime and not just in the United States of America but also abroad. This is a country and others are wrought with opportunities, but many would seek to use those opportunities improperly to illegal ends. The consequences of these criminals and their actions can be detrimental to the overall well-being of the general populace by introducing negative elements into the greater whole of society. For that reason, and many others, numerous agencies were created to police these crimes and the people who perpetrate them. Varying jurisdictions from local to federal are normally involved in the investigation and apprehension of these individuals. But before one can discuss the topic ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦These things make up for a vast amount of the overall profit made by certain individuals involved with organized crime. The second objective of these individuals is predatory crime. Some examples of this might include ass ault, arson, kidnapping, or robbery. These are the more socially reprehensible crimes which give organized crime its relative bad reputation. While many citizens would not condone many of these actions, they might unknowingly sponsor their occurrence by indirectly funding them. Organized crime can be narrowed down to five unique areas of criminal activity. The first being racketeering, an umbrella term, meant to describe when any group or groups conduct one or more of the other criminal activities. One of the most successful ways the federal government has been able to hinder the actions of hardcore criminals is through the formation of the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations). The second area of major criminal activity is vice, or vice operations. This has to do with victim-less crimes such as drugs, gambling, and prostitution. Again, these crimes are highly problematic because it is the public that decides whether or not they prosper. Itââ¬â¢s all too easy to build a case against someone breaking a law by importing huge quantities of controlled substances across a border, but it becomes much more difficult to stem the sale or need for such drugs once they have reached their intended destinations. The thirdShow MoreRelatedControlling Organized Crime1200 Words à |à 5 PagesControlling Organize Crime Paper Louis Pierre CJA/384 May 6, 2013 University of phoenix Professor: Glen Winters Controlling Organize Crime Paper Organize crime is a conspiratorial activity involving the coordination of numerous people in the planning and execution of illegal acts or in the pursuit of a legitimate objective by unlawful means, for example, threatening a legitimate business to get stake in it. However, organize crime involves continuous commitment by primary members, althoughRead MoreControlling Organized Crime Paper1163 Words à |à 5 PagesControlling Organized Crime Paper CJA/ 384 August 19, 2013 Controlling Organized Crime Paper Organized crime is an issue that has existed for many years and continues to be on the rise especially with the technology that we have today. Well ââ¬â known criminal organizations include; Italian Mafia, Russian Mobsters, Nuestra Familia, Mexican Mafia, The Hellââ¬â¢s Angels, The Bandidos, John Gotti, Al Capone, and so much more. One of the most famous criminal organizations are the Gambino Family inRead MoreControlling Organized Crime Paper1206 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿ Controlling Organized Crime Tina Martin-Fleming CJA/384 February 19, 2015 Charles Davis Organized crime groups have been around since the 1900ââ¬â¢s. The mafia who came from Italy and other countries to the United States started their business and became a nuisance over a period. The mob became a problem for society with their illegal activities such as gambling, racketeering and prostitution that includes other violent behaviors. The mafia was famous for manipulating individuals with their
Research Proposal. Topic Cervical cancer and screening Free Essays
Research Proposal 1. 1Topic Cervical cancer and screening; knowledge and attitude of St. Dominic Hospital Staff in the Eastern egion of Ghana. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal. Topic Cervical cancer and screening or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. 2 introduction background Cervical cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women in Ghana and knowledge about its cause, risk factors, prevention, symptoms and treatment is essential in the fight to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality among women in the country. Cancers are developed, not acquired thus cannot be transmitted to other persons. It is one or some of the individualââ¬â¢s own body cells that transform, divide rapidly and become hostile to other sorounding tissues, organs and sometimes the entire human system. A research conducted by Ghana Health Service indicate that an estimated 3038 women are diagnosed annually of cervical cancer and 2006 women die from the disease every year. Daily Graphic, 2013. Cervical cancer like all other cancers develops from a single cell that defies the laws of cellular division and begins to abnormally replicate and produce cells that differ in structure and function of the parent cells in the tissue. It takes many years for an individual to begin to have symptoms suggestive of disease in the affected part. Unlike breast cancer, another leading cancer among women which women can self examine their breasts for abnormal lumps as an early diagnostic measure, it takes the services of special health professionals and an extended procedure to examine womanââ¬â¢s cervix for abnormal growth or cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) infection, early sexual debut, multiple exual partners, multiparity, low social economic status, are the major risk factors to the development of cervical cancer. A lot of studies have identified the Human Papilloma Virus infection as the principal cause of Cervical cancer development, a virus which is sexually transmitted. Women who are sexually active or has had sex before are likely to be exposed the HPV. Knowledge of risk factors, early detection of symptoms and undergoing screening is the way forward for the prevention of advanced cervical cancer among Women who are sexually active. Papanicolaou smear (Pap smear) and visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid wash (VIA) are the screening options available with the latter being newly introduced, piloted and getting adopted by the Ministry of Health, Ghana because it is simpler and faster and result is readily available after the procedure. Both screening options requires a speculum to be inserted into the vagina for the cervical lining to be visualized and then processed for abnormality. Cervical cancer is curable if detected early. Cryotherapy, a procedure where an iced carbon dioxide is used to kill the cancer cells has been widely used to treat early cervical cancers and has yielded tremendous results. If cervical cancer is not detected early and becomes advanced, its spreads to affect the other organs in the pelvis including the womb, bladder, urethra, rectum, etc. it is very painful, ââ¬Ëdisgracefulââ¬â¢ and offensive as urine and faeces may be discharging continually through the vagina. Such women are often nursed to peaceful death. Statement of problem As already pointed out, cervical cancer ranks the highest in the cancer morbidity and mortality among Ghanaian women. The yearly over 2000 deaths recorded in women as a result of Cervical cancer, a preventable and treatable disease is unacceptable in a developing country that needs to build its human resource for development. Knowledge about cervical cancer and screening programs is necessary and needs to be aggressively pursued to arrest and turn-around the high cervical cancer deaths among Ghanaian women. Health workers are change agents, they belong to Churches, clubs and other organizations. Their knowledge, awareness and attitude towards cervical cancer and screening is crucial and likely to correlate with their uptake of available screening programs and also encourage their friends, families and social organizations to do same to better the health and lives of Ghanaian women. The Ministry of Health, Ghana, is about giving vaccines to about giving HPV vaccines to about 32,000 females aged between the ages of 9 to 11 in the Central and Northern Regions to prevent HPV infection. But what is the fate of the remaining Ghanaian women who are or getting sexual active and worse of all those who can be found under the other risk factors ? Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge and attitude of female clinical health staff of St. Dominic Hospital, Akwatia in the Eastern Region of Ghana concerning Cervical cancer and screening programs as a means of reducing cervical cancer mortality. Objectives of the Study 1. To explore the Knowledge and beliefs of respondents on cervical cancer as the major cancer morbidity and mortality among Ghanaian women. 2. To find out the level of knowledge of respondents on the risk factors of cervical cancer development and available cervical screening programs 3. To explore their attitude towards susceptibility to cervical cancer, and willingness to undergo screening. 4. To find out factors that hinder the participation of respondents in screening for cervical cancer 1. Literature Review The knowledge and awareness about cervical cancer and its prevention among interns and nursing staff in a Tertiary care hospital in Karachi-Pakistan was assessed by Ali et al in 2010 revealed that, ââ¬Å"the majority of working health professionals are not adequately equipped with knowledge concerning cervical cancerâ⬠. They concluded that, ââ¬Å"Continuing Medical Education program should be started at the hospital level along with conferences to spread knowledge about t his diseaseâ⬠. Ali et al 2010. Results from a study conducted with 171 women in Maroua in Cameroon to assess the knowledge, attitude and assumption of cervical cancer by women indicated that, ââ¬Å"The awareness of cervical cancer by women in Cameroon is still inadequate. Thus, to avoid deaths from cervical cancer, a curable and preventable disease, the need of an aggressive campaign to make Cameroonian women aware of cervical cancer and its prevention is neededâ⬠Tebeu et al 2007. In another study conducted in Nigeria by GHARORO and IKEANYI in 2006 where structured questionnaire was used to elicit response from 195 female health workers. They concluded that, ââ¬Å" the majority, 89%, believed that they were not at risk of developing cervical cancer. The self-reported utilization of Pap test among health workers was low. While there was a positive correlation between Pap test awareness and utilization, screening uptake was very poor due to a combination of inappropriate beliefs, misapprehension, and deficient knowledge. There is an urgent need for an aggressive awareness campaign and the provision of a screening program nationallyâ⬠. A study conducted by Abotchie and Shoker in 2010 on cervical cancer among female University of Ghana students to explore their knowledge and health beliefs revealed that, ââ¬Å"even in these highly educated populations, there is a lack of knowledge about the role of HPVâ⬠. they further stated that ââ¬Å"Their lack of knowledge on cervical cancer and the need for periodic screening is indicative of a greater lack of awareness among the larger population of less educated womenâ⬠. Three barriers were identified to negatively ssociated with screening : lack of belief that cervical screening diagnoses cancer, belief that pap test is painful and belief that the test will take away virginity. In another study, 9 clinicians who were trained in VIA and cryotherapy were observed for 18 months to assess the safety, acceptability and feasibility of a single-visit approach to cervical cancer prevention combining visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid wash (VIA) and cryother apy of a single-visit approach in Accra, Ghana. A total of 3665 women were screened and 13. 2% tested positive, out of which 70. % received immediate treatment and 21% delayed treatment. It was concluded that, ââ¬Å"a single-visit approach using VIA and cryotherapy proved to be safe, acceptable, and feasible in an urban African settingâ⬠for that matter Ghana. Blumenthal et al, 2007. 1. 4 Methodoloty St. Dominic Hospital, Akwatia is a A case study approach will be used to make an in-depth exploration on the knowledge and attitude of the clinical health staff of St. Dominic Hospital, Akwatia in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The case study approach will enable a real-life information collection to be done. How to cite Research Proposal. Topic Cervical cancer and screening, Essays
Friday, April 24, 2020
The Gift of the Magi
One of the reasons why short story The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry continues to enjoy an undermined popularity with contemporary readers is that, despite its apparent shortness, it presents a high literary and philosophical value. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that, while exposed to this story, readers become enlightened of what accounts for the actual qualities of a truly loving relationship between both spouses and what can be considered the discursive significance of the act of gift-giving.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift of the Magi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The short story in questions also contains insights, as to what can be thought of as the observable indications of oneââ¬â¢s endowment with the sense of nobleness. In this paper, I will aim to explore the validity of the above-statement at length. The plot of The Gift of the Magi is rather straightforward. While experi encing the acute shortage of money, Della Dillingham decides to cut off and sell her luscious hair, so that she would be able to buy her husband a respectable Christmas gift ââ¬â a platinum chain for his pocket-watch. However, by the time Jim returns back home and is being presented with his gift, Della realizes that he had sold his pocket-watch, in order to be able to buy his wife the set of jeweled combs for her hair. Given the fact that, as it was implied earlier, ever since it was first published in 1906, The Gift of the Magi never ceased appealing to readers, we can well assume that the themes and motifs, contained in the story, are thoroughly consistent with peopleââ¬â¢s unconscious anxieties, in regards to the notion of love. Apparently, O. Henry knew perfectly well that the strength of the romantic involvement between husbands and wives (men and women) is being reflective of their willingness to sacrifice for each other, while deriving a strong emotional satisfaction out of the process. Therefore, even though that, as a narrator, O. Henry does refer to the way in which Della and Jim went about exchanging gifts as ââ¬Ëfoolishââ¬â¢, he nevertheless cannot help considering it utterly wise, at the same time: ââ¬Å"Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they (Della and Jim) are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magiâ⬠(1906, 9). The reason for this is quite apparent ââ¬â in order for a particular gift to be appreciated by the person that receives it, he or she must be perceiving it as such that proves the gift-giverââ¬â¢s unquestionable loyalty. In this respect, the giftââ¬â¢s utilitarian value comes second in importance.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, Dellaââ¬â¢s choice for a gift is explainable. By presenting her husband with a platinum watch-chain, she unconsciously strived to assur e him of the fact that being a remarkable individual; he well deserved to be sacrificed for ââ¬â the considerations of practicality did not bother Della, whatsoever. In the similar manner Mary Magdalene treated Jesus ââ¬â even though that the oil, with which she washed Jesusââ¬â¢s feet was ridiculously expensive, she did not hesitate even for a second buying it. It appears that Della used to perceive her husband in terms of a godlike figure, whose existential significance did not have anything to do with his de facto social status. The message that is being conveyed through the story lines, in regards to the acts of gift-giving, on the part of both characters, can be interpreted as follows: the condition of poverty, which loving husband and wife get to experience, as they go through life, has no effect on the actual quality of their relationship. In fact, it is something that allows this relationship to thrive ââ¬â whatever illogical it may sound. That is, of course, for as long as the individuals in question are thoroughly noble, in the discursive sense of this word. The way the characters of Della and Jim are being represented in The Gift of the Magi leaves no doubts that, despite their poverty, both spouses were capable of not allowing their worrisome financial situation to affect their sense of self-identity. Hence, the philosophical significance of how the author describes the appearance of the room, in which the couple resided: ââ¬Å"It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squadâ⬠(3). Apparently, he wanted to promote the idea that, even while experiencing hardships, existentially noble people never allow the resulting sensation of frustration, on their part, to begin defining who they actually are. We can well speculate that the earlier mentioned description serves as the proof that Della and Jim used to be endowed with the so-called ââ¬ËFaustianââ¬â¢ mentality, c oncerned with peopleââ¬â¢s ability to overcome their animalistic instincts, while striving to realize what accounts for their true calling in life. herefore, there is nothing incidental about the fact that in his story O. Henry made a deliberate point in accentuating Dellaââ¬â¢s artistic aspirations, ââ¬Å"Della, being slender, had mastered the artâ⬠(4). By having done this, he succeeded in ensuring that readers would never doubt the psychological plausibility of Dellaââ¬â¢s sacrificial gesture.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift of the Magi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The rationale behind this suggestion is simple ââ¬â oneââ¬â¢s affiliation with art naturally causes the concerned individual to seek what can be considered the surrounding realityââ¬â¢s hidden (metaphysical) aspects. As a result, the manner in which he or she addresses life-challenges and relates to others ends up being increasingly perceived by conventionally minded people as somewhat ââ¬Ëoddââ¬â¢. Yet, even though that these people may well think of Dellaââ¬â¢s gift as a rather impractical one, deep on an unconscious level, they nevertheless realize that, while choosing her husband a gift, she could not act in any other way than she did. Being an essentially ââ¬ËFaustianââ¬â¢ individual, Della was naturally presupposed to think of her husband in terms of what he should have been, rather than in terms of what he was in the reality. Nevertheless, even though that, formally speaking, O. Henry does not seem to wholeheartedly approve the sacrificial acts of gift-giving, on the part of Della and Jim (hence, his reference to them as ââ¬Ëfoolish childrenââ¬â¢), he nevertheless does admire both characters. Partially, this can be explained by the particulars of the authorââ¬â¢s biography, as a man with extensive life-experiences. That is, the fact that throughout the cours e of his life, O. Henry never ceased taking an active stance on the matters of a socio-political importance, while suffering a number of setbacks, such as having been in jailed for the duration of 5 years, naturally endowed him with the sense of perceptual wisdom. Hence, the discursive significance of how he reflects on the integral components of oneââ¬â¢s life: ââ¬Å"Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominatingâ⬠(p. 3). The above-quotation suggests that, having been an analytically minded person, O. Henry was capable of deconstructing even the most complex phenomena, such as the phenomena of peopleââ¬â¢s existence, down to their basic elements. Given the fact that, being a wise man often causes the concerned individual to look ââ¬Ëdeeperââ¬â¢ in the discussed subject matters, as compared to what it is being the case with ordinary people, there is nothing too surprising about the authorââ¬â¢s tendency to approve the earlier mention ed ââ¬Ëfoolishnessââ¬â¢, on the part of Della and Jim. Apparently, he knew that peopleââ¬â¢s endowment with ââ¬ËFaustianââ¬â¢ mentality does not only enable them to ensure the continual vitality of their marital relationships, but that it also makes them the agents of the ongoing social and cultural progress.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After all, it was due to Della and Jimââ¬â¢s belief that there are ââ¬Ëhigherââ¬â¢ things in life, worthy to be sacrificed for, that the plotââ¬â¢s unraveling is being perceived by the majority of readers as emotionally intense and intellectually stimulating. In its turn, this implies that Della and Jim were more than capable of operating with utterly abstract categories, while having the voice of the ââ¬Ëmonkey from withinââ¬â¢ suppressed. After all, as the storyââ¬â¢s context suggests, the sensation of hunger was certainly well known for both characters. Yet, instead of finding a more practical use for the money that she received from selling her hair, Della end up buying a watch-chain. Yet, as we are well aware of, it is specifically peopleââ¬â¢s ability to transcend beyond the physiological aspects of their existence, which makes it possible for them to act as the societyââ¬â¢s productive members. Therefore, there can be only a few doubts that, while e xposing readers to the characters of Della and Jim, O. Henry strived for nothing less than promoting the idea that, contrary what it is being commonly assumed, it is only those individuals that radiate ââ¬Ënoblenessââ¬â¢ around them, who deserve attaining a social prominence in life. Unfortunately, this is rarely being the case. Hence, the strongly defined tragic overtones to the story of Della and Jim ââ¬â apparently, the author wanted to emphasize the sheer unfairness of the situation when, due to poverty, existentially noble individuals are being denied the chance to make their lives count, in the social sense of this word. The very same overtones, however, cause The Gift of the Magi to emanate the spirit of humanism. This simply could not be otherwise, because the storyââ¬â¢s themes and motifs do prompt readers to think that the pathway towards ensuring the fairness of the societyââ¬â¢s functioning is being concerned with establishing social preconditions for peo ple, capable of acting as the agents of progress and justice, to be able to advance in life. The story also specifies what can be considered the indications of peopleââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëqualificationââ¬â¢, in this respect ââ¬â their endowment with the ââ¬ËFaustianââ¬â¢ sense of idealism, which naturally causes them to adopt the altruistic mode of existence. I believe that the earlier provided line of argumentation, as to what can be considered the discursive significance of the themes and motifs, contained in The Gift of the Magi, is fully consistent with the paperââ¬â¢s initial thesis. In light of what has been argued, there indeed appears to be a good rationale in referring to this particular story by O. Henry, as such that will continue representing an uncompromised literary value well into the future. Works Cited Henry, O. 1906, The Gift of Magi. PDF file. 3 Oct. 2013. This essay on The Gift of the Magi was written and submitted by user Crule to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Lucrezia Borgia - Essay essays
Lucrezia Borgia - Essay essays Lucrezia Borgia was considered the most ruthless of the Italian Renaissance noble woman, was her father and brother Cesare the creators of her reputation? Was she a murderer or a Political Pawn? During the 1400's a rebirth of learning took place, this was called the Renaissance. The Renaissance was when the development of Western Civilization had marked transition from medieval times to modern times. In this time the importance of reputations played an important role for rising families. In the year of 1437, a charming little girl was born, blue eyed and blonde hair, her name Lucrezia Borgia. She was the daughter of Cardinal Rodrigo and his mistress Vanozza Catanei. Rodrigo was a very wealthy Spaniard man and maintained a well developed lifestyle, but he was known to have an attraction for woman and took full use of it. He had 4 children from his mistress Vanozza whom were: Cesare, Juan, Lucrezia and Jofre. Each lived with their mother for three years until she remarried. After doing so Rodrigo took the kids and put them under the care of Adriana De Mala, a fellow Spaniard. Adriana De Mila was a widow who raised Lucrezia from age three until her first marriage at the age of thirteen. In 1492, Cardinal Rodrigo became Pope Alexander VI. He moved himself and his family into a new built palace called Maria Del Portico in St. Peters, in this palace there were doors that led straight to Lucretias room and her good friend Giulias room as well, which allowed him to see them whenever he pleased. During this time the Pope had an affair with Giulia which had started a lot of bad press for the family. This bothered many Italians and made gossip spread starting the beginning of the Borgias reputation. Meanwhile, Lucrezia was growing up faster and faster and was soon engaged to two men, both were broken off by her father. Soon he had engaged her to Giovanni Sfroza, but the marriage did not last beca...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Australian Wills, Estates, and Probate Records
Australian Wills, Estates, and Probate Records Wills and probate records can often be a gold mine when researching Australian ancestors. Wills generally list surviving heirs by name, providing confirmation of family relationships. Probate records which document the handling of the estate through the court, whether the deceased died testate (with a will) or intestate (without a will), may help identify where family members were living at the time, including those residing in other Australian states, or even back in Great Britain. For more information on the valuable genealogical clues estate records can provide, see Probing into Probate Records. There is no central archive of wills in Australia. Instead, wills and probate registers are maintained by each Australian state, generally through the probate registry or probate office of the Supreme Court. Some states have transferred their early wills and probates, or provided copies, to the State Archives or Public Record Office. Many Australian probate records have also been filmed by the Family History Library, but some of these films are not permitted to be circulated to Family History Centers. How to Locate Australian Wills Probate Records AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYRecords begin in 1911Indexes to wills and probate records in the Australian Capital Territory have not been published, and the records are not available online. ACT Supreme Court Registry4 Knowles PlaceCanberra ACT 2601 NEW SOUTH WALESRecords begin in 1800The Supreme Court NSW Probate Division has published an index to probates granted in NSW between 1800 and 1985, available in the NSW State Records Authority reading room and many major libraries (not available online). An index to early wills not included in the regular probate series is available online. Probate packets and wills from 1817 through 1965 have been transferred from the Supreme Court to the State Records Authority of New South Wales. Many of these probate packets are indexed online in Archives Investigator, including Series 1 (1817ââ¬â1873), Series 2 (1873ââ¬â1876), Series 3 (1876ââ¬âc.1890) and a portion of Series 4 (1928ââ¬â1954). Select Simple Search and then type in the name of your ancestor (or even just a surname), plus the term death to find indexed wills and probates, including the information youll need to retrieve a copy of the full probate packet. Learn more in the NSW Archives briefs Probate Packets and Deceased Estate Files, 1880ââ¬â1958. State RecordsWestern Sydney Records Centre143 OConnell StreetKingswood NSW 2747 Access to wills and probate records from 1966 to the present require an applicationà to the Probate Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Supreme Court of New South WalesProbate DivisionG.P.O. Box 3Sydney NSW 2000 NORTHERN TERRITORYRecords begin in 1911Indexes to Northern Territory wills and probates have been created and published on microfiche. The Family History Library has a partial set, but they are not open for circulation to Family History Centers (viewable in Salt Lake City only). Alternatively, send a SASE to the Northern Territory Registrar of Probates with details on the descendant, and they will send a return letter regarding the availability of the record and fees to obtain a copy. Registrar of ProbatesSupreme Court of the Northern TerritoryLaw Courts BuildingMitchell StreetDarwin, Northern Territory 0800 QUEENSLANDRecords begin in 1857Queensland has more will and probate records online than any other Australian state or territory, courtesy of the Queensland State Archives. Detailed information is available in their Brief Guide 19: Will Intestacy Records. Index to Wills, 1857-1940à - An online index to wills compiled from original Supreme Court files from all districts, including a few wills for people who died outside Queensland.Equity Index 1857-1899à - An online index to original Supreme Court Equity files that include the names of all people connected with a case.Instruments of Renunciation 1915-1983 - Lodged by executors who were no longer willing to administer a will, these records include many details on the deceased and estate.Trustees Files Index 1889-1929 - Files related to trusts set up under the terms of a will. Queensland State Archives435 Compton Road, RuncornBrisbane, Queensland 4113 More recent probates in Queensland are administered by and available through Queensland district court registrars. An index to the most recent probates from all districts can be searched online. Queensland eCourts Party Search ââ¬â An online index to Queensland Supreme and District Court files from as early as 1992 (Brisbane) to the present. Supreme Court of Queensland, Southern DistrictGeorge StreetBrisbane, Queensland 4000 Supreme Court of Queensland, Central DistrictEast StreetRockhampton, Queensland 4700 Supreme Court of Queensland, Northern DistrictWalker StreetTownsville, Queensland 4810 SOUTH AUSTRALIARecords begin in 1832The Probate Registry Office holds wills and related documents for South Australia from 1844. Adelaide Proformat offers a fee-based probate record access service. Probate Registry OfficeSupreme Court of South Australia1 Gouger StreetAdelaide, SA 5000 TASMANIARecords begin in 1824The Archives Office of Tasmania holds most older records relating to the administration of probate in Tasmania; their Brief Guide 12: Probate includes details on all available records. The Archives Office also has an online index with digitized copies of wills (AD960) and letters of administration (AD961) up to 1989 available for online viewing. Index to Wills Letters of Administration from 1824-1989 (Tasmania) (includes digitized records) Probate RegistrySupreme Court of TasmaniaSalamanca PlaceHobart, Tasmania 7000 VICTORIARecords begin in 1841Wills and probate records created in Victoria between 1841 and 1925 have been indexed and digitized and made available online free of charge. Records of wills and probate records up to 1992 will eventually be included in this online index. Probate records after 1925 and up through about the last decade or so can be ordered through the Public Record Office of Victoria. Public Record Office Victoria99 Shiel StreetNorth Melbourne VIC 3051 Index to Wills, Probate and Administration Records 1841-1925 (Victoria) (includes digitized records) Generally, wills and probate records created within the past 7 to 10 years can be accessed through the Probate Office of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Registrar of ProbatesSupreme Court of VictoriaLevel 2: 436 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne VIC 3000 WESTERN AUSTRALIARecords from 1832Probate records and wills in Western Australia are not generally available online. See Information Sheet: Grants of Probate (Wills) and Letters of Administration from the State Records Office of Western Australia for further information. The State Records Office holds two indexes to wills and letters of administration: 1832-1939 and 1900-1993. Files up to 1947 are available at State Records Office on microfilm for viewing. State Records OfficeAlexander Library BuildingJames Street West EntrancePerth Cultural CentrePerth WA 6000 Most Supreme Court records in Western Australia, including probates, are covered by a 75 year restricted access period to protect the privacy of persons mentioned in the records. Written permission from the Supreme Court is needed before viewing. Probate Office14th Floor, 111 Georges StreetPerth WA 6000
Friday, February 14, 2020
Week One Individual Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week One Individual Assignment - Essay Example the threats, the weaknesses the opportunities and the strengths. In diagnosing opportunities and threats, the manager should reflect on Michael Porterââ¬â¢s model for competitive forces in order to diagnose the competitive forces in the particular industry. These forces are very important since they can affect the business profit potential, growth rate or even survival. The business plan should assess these forces. These are the following: competitors, new entrants, customers, suppliers and substitute goods or services. Since the baby clothing store is a start-up business, the new entrants force is not of particular importance for this stage. From the competitorsââ¬â¢ side the business owner should check the rivalry among competitors and more specifically should examine the number of firms there are in the particular industry, the rate of the industry growth and the level of fixed costs. The baby clothing store may face the danger of the customersââ¬â¢ bargaining power since the goods it provides are standard and undifferentiated i.e. the customers can find the same or similar ones to other shops and therefore they may force down the prices or buy more goods or services for the same price. A possible solution here would be to offer excellent customer service but this is going to be developed in strategies. The next step in planning is setting goals. The goals should be realistic, challenging but achievable and they can act as a benchmark so the manager can see if s/he meets his/her targets. The goal should be both strategic and financial. Then, the manager should develop and implement strategies. The strategies should be based on extensive market analysis, examination of opportunities and threats and contingency plans if things do not go as expected. From the three strategies i.e. market penetration, market development and product development strategy, it seems that the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at Essay
Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Convention - Essay Example equitable ratio of white and other free citizens of every age, sex and condition and 3/5th of rest of the persons except Indians who do not pay taxes in each state. However New Jersey plan is more specific about confederation and states about diminishing or increasing number of states as well. According to Virginia Plan, the national legislature may have the power of legislation by confederation in all cases where individual states are incompetent or harmony of the country may be at stake. It may have the right to negate all laws that are passed by states found contravening to articles of Union. New Jersey Plan offers the same power in addition to the authority to promote commerce, impose levy and raise revenues in the states. According to both plans, executive may negate any legislation that may not be passed by 2/3rd of national legislature. Executive may have powers to execute national laws to appoint to offices or impeach for certain reasons. New Jersey Plan states the same powers for executive in addition to directing military operations without taking any command over troops. Comparing both the plans, it is specifically found that New Jersey plan offers more power to the new federal government because it focuses to revisit and enlarge articles of confederation and gives executive authority to direct military operations as
Friday, January 24, 2020
Social Phenomena Essay -- Functionalist and Interactionist Perspective
Over time, three main theories have developed to explain social phenomena. While each theory has significant differences, there are points of each one that can help shed light on how society works. While some theories attempt to explain our social reality based on how each part of a society works together, other theories focus on the conflicts in the society, or the interaction between individuals in a society (Kendall, 23). The three classic theories of sociology include the functionalist perspective, conflict perspective, and symbolic interactionist perspective. The functionalist perspective aims to explain sociological phenomena based on the belief that our society is a balanced system that depends on each part of the group to work together in order to survive. Most people in the group share that same morals and ethics. This varies greatly from the perspective of conflict theorists, who believe that each part of society is constantly in a struggle. One of the key figures in developing the conflict perspective was C. Wright Mills. He believed that crucial decisions in the United States are mainly made by people in private, known as the ââ¬Å"power eliteâ⬠(Kendall, 26). This means that decisions made in this country are typically made by top bureaucrats and politicians. The conflict perspective does not say that society is a system that is based on the functions of each part like the functionalist perspective states; rather, each part is constantly in a ââ¬Å"power struggleâ⬠(Kendall, 25). Both of these perspectives focus on the larger aspect of society, also known as macrolevel analysis. The symbolic interactionist perspective is based on microlevel analysis, which means that it focuses on smaller groups and individuals instead of larg... ...uing questions and insights for the future. Our interactions with others play a large role in developing our society. The symbolic perspective does not believe in reality as we believe it; rather we create our own values through interaction with others. It also helps shed light on how new cultures and customs become accepted into a society. For instance, the pià ±ata was once used in China, and it is now something used during celebrations in various cultures (Kendall, 85). This shows how one society can adopt the symbols of another and take them as their own. When we combine these perspectives and focus on our interactions with one another, what function we each play in the society, and take into account the power struggles that occur, we gain a better understanding of society as a whole. Each of these theories helps explain different aspects of our social reality.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Pob Sba Guide for Description of Business Essay
Main Objective of doing this SBATo give you an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the study of Principles of Business. 1. 2. How will this be done? The objective will be fulfilled through the examination of a designated business/firm. The data collection instruments will be the questionnaire and the interview. The information gathered will then be analysed and evaluated, with the aim of drawing specific conclusions about the firm. Our staff consists of twenty employees four of who are supervisors of the factory and three administrative staff responsible for accounting, billing and wages. A Production Manager is in charge of all production processes and the supervisors report to him. There is a Quality Control Supervisor who reports directly to the partners. An Inventory Manager is in charge of receiving, storage and issuance of raw materials as well as receipt, storage and distribution of the finished products with a staff of three assistants to help him. The functional areas of the business will include Purchasing/Logistics, Inventory Management, Production, Distribution and
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Adults Are Reading Kidsââ¬â¢ Books. Why
According to some recent surveys and researches, the majority of readers of the so-called ââ¬Ëyoung adultââ¬â¢ fiction are, in fact, quite grown-up people who can hardly be placed into this category. But what it means is an entirely different question. Some people are quick to accuse the modern society of stunted emotional and intellectual development ââ¬â meaning that adult people today are psychologically stuck in adolescence and while they get older they never become, well, adults. And the fact that books and other media aimed at young adults increasingly often turn into multimillion franchises (take Harry Potter, Twilight and Hunger Games, for example) serve as a yet another proof that our civilization turns into a civilization of eternal teenagers. It is one point of view. Maybe They Are Just Good? On the other hand, there are a lot of people who believe that young adult literature grows in popularity because it is, well, just pretty good. A well-written young adult book has all that we, in our hectic, stressful grown-up lives, crave: simple yet not primitive premise, clear-cut, sympathetic characters, thought-provoking situations and good narrative that doesnââ¬â¢t intimidate the reader by its incomprehensibility. It is often said that Harry Potter made reading popular among the younger generation. We also should take into account that people who have grown up reading Harry Potter novels have become adults since then; and a lot of them retained the taste for similar literature, even if they do not qualify to be its target audience anymore. And it is more than likely that there will be more and more people with similar tastes ââ¬â the lives of most people are complicated enough to desire for complicated reading in addition to that. Young adult books are easy to read and to get into ââ¬â exactly what you need when you feel pressured by your everyday life. Is This Division Justified? And, after all, isnââ¬â¢t the subdivision of literature into age groups a little bit artificial? If it is enjoyable for children, why cannot it be enjoyable for grown-ups, if, of course, it is well-written? Really good childrens books retain all their charm whenever you sit down to read them: Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Lewis, Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery are undeniably aimed at children; but adults will find a lot of interesting things in them as well. They may have different layers of meaning open for the people of different ages, they may attract us by their excellent language, they may be just interesting to read ââ¬â so why deprive ourselves of this experience just because somebody said that you are too old to read them? And we shouldnââ¬â¢t forget one final thing ââ¬â reading books aimed at younger people make us feel younger ourselves. They remind us of what we were and what we strove to be. It is a very refreshing feeling ââ¬â although we may have lost our connection with youth, we may find it again, at least while reading these books.
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